Showing posts with label New Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Year. Show all posts

Friday, October 22, 2021

Keeping Up and Planning 

In the last Post, I talked about getting organized.  Clearly, that is an ongonig process. 

I am trying to work towards getting some processes in place for my art business, but got pulled away to finish setup and running The Taste of Oktoberfest at the American German Club of the Palm Beaches the last two weekends.  Thankfully, I was not actually in charge of the whole event, but was in charge of one of the booths and all that went into getting it ready, staffed, and run it both weekends.  All of that took a certain amount of planning, but we did tend to say "It will all work out" an awful lot when certain things did not get done when we thought they were all handled.

That being said, we are now on to planning and putting on our Christkindlmarkt and new Krampus Night events the second weekend of December.  I have been the co-chair for this event for a couple of years now and I have to thank my predecessor for leaving really great details for what needs to get planned.  It feels planned out now,  but there is so much left to in the actual set up.  I am learning the art of delegating and managing and trying not to do all things by myself.  Not good for me and not good for the Club overall if I try to do it all myself  People need to feel invested to continue to help in an organization like this one and make it survive.

Sitting down and putting things on the calendar has made me feel so much better.  When do I get the decorating done?  Who will help? Bake the cookies? Make costumes if needed?   Each item has a place on my calendar.

I am trying to carry some of this planning over to my business and make my life a big more predictable there.  Planning ahead for my social media posts, planning ahead for this blog, and trying to plan ahead when I launch new collections.  Trying to set up some sort of flow does help me to enjoy the process along the way. 

In the midst of it all, I am making time to paint and do something creative to keep my energy up and flowing.

I think that is enough of my creative thoughts for today.  I hope you get to do something creative today.
